How to make Aloe Vera Yogurt to be smooth, soft and not bitter

Aloe Vera Yogurt

Aloe vera yogurt is not only delicious but also very nutritious for health. Making Aloe Vera yogurt is not difficult, but the most important point is to prepare it so that the Aloe Vera is not viscous and bitter. Let ‘s make a recipe for making Aloe Vera yogurt with WorldFamousHub for the whole family to enjoy!

Ingredients for making Aloe Vera Yogurt

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 bags of unsweetened milk
  • 1 box of unsweetened yogurt
  • 1 fresh aloe Vera leaf
  • Yogurt container for incubation
  • 1 can of hot water (this is equal to a can of milk)

It can be adjusted according to the family’s sweet taste, and all ingredients should be left at room temperature.

How to make Aloe Vera Yogurt

  • Yogurt containers need to be exposed to warm water to disinfect and then drain.
  • Aloe Vera peeled off the white flesh inside, diced to taste, washed under cold water several times to remove the viscous. Boil water for the aloe vera to boil, add a little salt, boil until the aloe vera floats, then take it out and put it in ice cold water and soak for 15 minutes so that the aloe vera is crispy. (Remember to peel off the aloe vera peel, it will not be bitter).
  • Pour aloe vera into a basket to drain.
  • Pour the can of condensed milk into a large bowl, add 1 can of hot water, pour it with condensed milk, and stir until the milk dissolves (stir in one direction). Continue to pour 2 bags of unsweetened milk, yogurt, aloe vera and stir well.
  • Divide the milk into small jars and close the lids.
  • Use warm water about 60 degrees to brew yogurt. Can be incubated in styrofoam, plastic containers, or any large pot that can hold all the yogurt.
  • Filling 2/3 of the yogurt jar with water is ok, don’t let the water get too hot to kill the bacteria in the yogurt yeast, causing the yogurt to dehydrate.
  • Incubate milk for 8-10 hours

The finished product is a crunchy, smooth, and delicious Aloe Vera yogurt. Wish everyone success!

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